Full registration only $399

Trudi Rondou

Jo-Ann Pawliw

Session Synopsis: STOPCHECK™ for Increased Resilience, Wellness and Safety

This evidence-based program delivers a practical “in the moment” skill set to respond dynamically and effectively to pressure, emotional challenge, and change. Whether you want to increase situational awareness in the field, or stress management in the office, STOPCHECK™ delivers.

Twenty years of client results show improved health and performance, fewer absences and reduced anxiety, stress, and depression because of practicing the techniques learned in this program.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Recognize subtle stress signals before they become chronic.
  • Learn the powerful technique of STOPCHECK™ to boost performance, increase resilience, and feel calmer and more focused.
  • Be less reactive, think clearly and make good decisions under pressure.


Jo-Ann Pawliw is the owner of The Heart of Performance Coaching and Training Company, and a sought-after facilitator with the Institute of Health and Human Potential. Trained in leading edge strategies, and evidence- based models from Harvard and HeartMath in California, Jo-Ann helps her audience, whether they be in the corporate world, non- profit sector, or an Olympic athlete, to be at their best in the most difficult moments.

Jo-Ann has worked with companies in many industries including engineering, healthcare, finance, oil and gas, municipalities, and energy. She has delivered highly impactful programs and keynotes to both small and large audiences across Canada and North America, and has coached hundreds of leaders, employees, and athletes to pay better attention to the right things at the right time.

Jo-Ann is a Certified Personal Leadership Coach, Instructor, Facilitator and has degrees from the University of Toronto and McMaster University.

Jo-Ann can be found on her mountain bike, singing VERY loudly all year round.